
Marites + GJ

October 6, 2012

Marites’ and GJ was my very first filipino wedding. I didn’t know what to expect but needless to say I was excited! So this is what I found out: filipinos are lovely people who smile and laugh a lot, cry a lot as well ( tears of joy are the best kind), LOVE to dance and are so good at it!, and last but not least carry an average of two cameras a person and take a lot of pictures all the time! No joke, they take their photography quite seriously. I was asked about the cameras I use a few times and my response was met with comments about their specifications and qualities! I was in heaven! All funny things aside Marites and GJ were wonderful and game for anything I asked them to do… Dragon roller coasters, climbing walls on an empty parking lots… best day ever! Thank you guys for making me your chosen professional photographer. Wish you both all the best!